Ralph Ring's Website

Ralph Ring is one of the surviving members of a team of technicians and scientists who worked for legendary inventor, Otis T Carr. Otis Carr was a protege of Nikolai Tesla. Ralph has made himself available for interviews and appearances to discuss his own experience working on Carr’s team, and the amazing OTC-X1.

We are living in a sea of energy. —Ralph Ring

[These three interviews have never been aired to date, and the producer is in the post production working to sell the rights to bring them to air.  When we have the links for the published episode we will add links here.]

This video is reproduced here to get this information out to the world to help those who are working to develop new technologies that will help us to clean up the planet and live in a more harmonious way with Nature.

Disclose.tvSomewhere out there (full docu) Video
My Documentary project I created, produced, directed and was the host in. I traveled all across the US in an RV, interviewed 33 extraordinary guests.
These three interviews have never been aired to date. They were originally going to be aired on the Discovery Chanel, but the Discovery Channel wanted to edit out much of the interviews to the point where the message that the need for raising consciousness was lost.

These videos are reproduced here to get this information out to the world to help awaken the minds of the masses to the endless possibilities and human potential.

Somewhere Out There (1of3) – John Hutchinson Interview

I Dominique Radwanski own the copyrights to Somewhere Out There.

  • http://www.thebookofjacob.webs.com Jacob PeQueen

    I love how it all points to consciousness and human potential. This is an awesome video, and I will post the link wherever I can. Thank you guys. Jake.

  • Dominique Radwanski

    Wow…I really wish my project would reach the masses just like I originally intended.

    Hello, this is Dominique the creator, producer and host of Somewhere Out There. I really appreciate to see the great comments from the online community. Makes me happy:)

    Thank you



    • https://bluestarenterprise.com webmaster

      Your show has been very warmly received Dominique! I get more feedback about those 3 posts than all of the others. You will also note that others have re-posted with tens of thousands of views in total.

      Thank you for helping to get these stories into the public view.


  • Dominique

    Thank you Mark. That means a lot to me:) I am in the process of negotiations with buyers for my project. Do you have the links or websites my videos were posted in? This will help me to deliver the show on TV in a timely manner. I have interviewed 33 guests in total, and have 12 more 1hr episodes. All relating to technology, metaphysics, science, spirituality, & consciousness, etc…

    Thank you

    Kind Regards,

    • https://bluestarenterprise.com webmaster

      Hi Dominique,

      I only posted these three segments (that Ralph passed on to me on a DVD) here and on my YouTube channel to make it possible to easily embed them here.

      My YouTube posts were then reposted by some who asked if they could help to promote some of the videos. I do not know all of the channels that have reposted. I think only two or three, but I haven’t looked at it for a number of months.

      My YouTube channel is fitchaustralia and can be found here:

      Please, let me know if you need anything more on this.


  • http://successquest.name Mark Allen

    Great documentary!
    One of my goals is to someday facilitate all different kinds of alternative research, especially in free energy and alternative health.
    I think the inventors need to be somewhere in a safe location away from potential threats.
    I have just posted a video documentary, “The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla” to my blog that your readers may find to be of interest.
    The direct link is here:
    This documentary isn’t as new as yours, but I think your readers would still find it to be of interest. I would like to be able to post some of your videos to my blog too at a later date if you don’t mind. Also, when you go to my blog, click through to my Ambassador Foundation website to see what we want to do.
    I am currently located in Costa Rica, and I think a country like this could be a host to this kind of research as we would be beyond the reach of the government and other goons who would like to stop this whole thing.
    Again, great work!

  • Nicholas Fenning

    Hi I am New here I would like to discuss with the members here this video it shows a simulation of a machine I have been developing for 5 years now or more !

    I am interested to see if anyone understands whats happening in the video.

    please just comment on this site



    • melissa

      HI Nik
      Your video has also been deleted!

  • Pingback: The real doctors of Spin. « Doretta Wildes()

  • VRIL

    Dominique is so impeccable and so mesmerising… Wish I could be abducted by her Angelic Pleiadian Species and taken back home to Aldebaran…

  • https://bluestarenterprise.com webmaster

    Someone else published this video here. Ignoring the copywrite it seems. While it lasts…